Saturday, October 3, 2009

ACORN Syndrome

       We all have heard of the ACORN scandal,if you have not you do not live on this planet.I will call what Acorn is a symptom of whats wrong with this entire country.It a political organization that started out to break the American way of life by trying to force the Government to put all Americans on entitlements ie: welfare.Which is totally the opposite of what most Americans believe.This organization along with other radicals helped vote into office a lot of politicians to this day that have a socialist/progressive agenda to change America and do away with any that disagree with them.They have basically changed the way the people we put in office think about their boss's US.They do not listen and that is called Tyranny.The politicians are not afraid of the people, if they were we would have Liberty.The corruption whether intentional or not is woven into the very DNA of Washington.ACORN is just a symptom of a very bad disease: Absolute Power and it corrupts Absolutely!We have not died from this disease yet.One way to stop the progress of this disease is to speak out and use your power when you VOTE.There are alot of good people in office now that are trying to get us back on the right path.Help them by getting out of your chair and away from the virus of some network news medidiots and join a town hall meeting.Go to grassroots organizations make your voices heard.Remember out of one comes many.

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